You Think You Understand but You Don't Part 2

3:17 AM

Remember about my previous post? Well this is the continuation. I was inspired by the movie and it strike in my mind whenever I'm sitting alone and day dreaming about this  stuff. I wonder, do other people think about this to? Do you ever think about this topic when you are reading this?

As I grow older and see things not just from my perspective, they are things we can't easily explain it or describe it. You gotta learn to look and search deeper about it.  I  took some of my times to think, read and talk about it and I try to find a solution on this. 

Language and words are two different things that are related and mean a lot into our daily lives. Yes it means a lot. The words that people use in their lives reveal a person attitude, background, experience. In simple word, it shows a person social and psychological worlds.

Language, words and intonation used are vital when we communicate with each other and choosing the right word and intonation on a situation shows how people use words to convey the message and a great deal about themselves to the audience. I personally believe that individuals' choice of words can hint about their social status, age, sex, motives and many more. 

Alright ,I'll give u situation for an example. Let say you are asking a friend " Could you pass me the paper"? or "Gimme the paper".

Both sentence show a different word and intonation, the audience or the reader can sense a split of vibes . Some people might feel it's okay or normal to use the second sentence which more sounds like an order instead of asking a favour compared to the first sentence. 

Well,this is just my thoughts. Do drop your comments down below and probably we can talk and discuss this further.

See you soon xoxo

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