Myth or Reality #Part 2

11:32 AM

Hey guys, I hope your weekends treating you good. I am gonna continue my holiday adventure story now. Gosh, if only you know how excited I am to tell you guys about it. *cheesy smile*

Gunung Merapi, the next place we have been looking forward to go to. 5 years ago in 2010, Gunung Merapi exploded once again and they are many innocent people who live near Merapi got stuck at there and can't find their way out from it. It really breaks my heart when our tour guide told us the story. Before I feed you with my endless pictures , I would like to share a story that taught me to be grateful and appreciate more things in life.

key keeper
*image credit from *

This is Mbah Maridjan, he is an old man who have been taking care of Gunung Merapi keys. (Gunung Merapi jury kunci). He have been selected from the King to take care of the Gunung Merapi. People believe that he have spirit connection with the Dewa of the Merapi. He can contact with the spirit and he died because he was trying to help the villagers to saved their lives from the village. As he is the key keeper, people believe that it is not his time yet to come down from the village as the spirit contact to him. He died as a hero to his villagers and being such a good responsible man . He knows he should not disobey the spirit power so he execute his duty very well till his last breath. Such an interesting story before we get to go top of the villagers and to the Gunung  Merapi nearer.

So this is Gunung Merapi view, and we are probably around 30 minutes time to reach Merapi base. We are all pumped up for the whole jorney and woke up at 5.30am as we are leaving at 7am. It took us 2 hours of journey to reach there from the town itself.


As we reached Gunung Merapi base, we saw a 4x4 Jeep and yes!!  We are heading up there! 


So i was wondering before we hop in the jeep, why are we using this jeep. So here is a cool fact, alright. It will took a different level of adventure to the visitors when they are ready to begin. First, you will go through the forest with all the wet and damp places, next you will be at the smooth road and the last one is super adventure and amazing. Guess what it is ??

squad gunung merapi
Let's have a real adventure, peeps! *heart beats a skip*

4x4 jeep

So they provide  us the mask as we going up the hilly parts and all the ashes are still there. 

That's 2 of my friends with our tour guide and our driver, Fembri. 

I love how beautiful the nature and God creation are and hey the view there are just amazing and definitely took my breath away.*still can't stop smilling while writing this * 

4x4 jeep, squad

We are at the last pit stop !! *scream out loud*


holding hands, goals

So that is me . And that is the last pit stop for all of us to see the Gunung Merapi. If you wish to climb the mountain you got to ask the "Juru Kunci" permission before climb it. If he did not give you his blessing, they might be bad things happen to you. So guys, respect the places and the culture before you get your things done alright :)

gunung merapi

Do you feel my adventure like you are experiencing it right now? Just by reading my writing. Well, i really hope you  do.*Heheheheeh*


We all got so tired after 3 hours of journey just to reach Gunung Merapi base and here we are hunting for food. *hungry and faces*tired 

food hunt, indonesia

Alright peeps, I have to go now. See you in next post.

p/s: All pictures are not filter.

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